As happens so often, everything can come from a detail. In the case of Luana and Mattia‘s wedding, this detail is a symbol that joins their initials in a heart, a sign that started as a tattoo on the bride’s neck and then became the actual logo of their wedding.

For a wedding planner such as myself, it is extremely important to listen to my clients, to study the ideas they express to me, and to turn them into reality. For this reason, the symbol that represents their union played a leading role in the decoration of the wonderful Villa Erba: from the place cards to the napkins, from the biscuits to the carpet on which the bride advanced at the beginning of the ceremony, their initials appeared recurrently among the white and pink that coloured the entire event, including the bridesmaids’ dresses, the pink lace tablecloths on the tables and my own dress, made of the same lace as the tablecloths. Even the facade of the villa was lit up in pink as the evening came, and it was the combination of the elegance of the villa and the harmonious decorations we created that made Luana and Mattia’s wedding unforgettable

Location : Villa Erba
Wedding Photographer : Franco Lops
Provenienza : Italy

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