Villa del Balbaniello is so beautiful that it has been declared a FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano – heritage site, and in particular the most visited one, with 72 thousand visitors in a year. The origins of Villa Balbianello date back to the 18th century, and that is why its rooms are steeped in history. Many of the exponents of the Italian Risorgimento walked here, and world-famous films were also shot here, from Casino Royale with Daniel Craig, to Star Wars, with its balcony frame of the kiss between Princess Padme and young Anakin. In the heart of Lenno, Villa del Balbianello overlooks the extreme point of the Dosso di Lavedo, a wooded promontory that, caressing the lake, makes way for a picturesque peninsula. It is the perfect location for your wedding, full of Hollywood glamour and Italian elegance. It also has a strong international touch, thanks to the English and French furnishings of the 17th and 18th centuries: Flemish tapestries, Chinese terracotta, African and pre-Columbian sculptures, and the glass paintings that color its rooms. It is the largest of the private residences on the lake, with its 2 hectares and large garden, designed by the British Society of Garden Designers. The Villa also has a collection of priceless art that has been enriched more and more with the passage of time; inside the Villa you can admire some spectacular 17th century frescoes by the Recchi brothers and Agostino Silva, which still decorate the walls. The villa can hold up to 28 guests: the main building is equipped with six luxurious and opulent suites, the left wing has 4 recently renovated rooms, as well as the Villino. You can stay inside the Villa for a minimum of three nights in low season, and up to a full week during the high season period.

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